If you blame someone else you are going to miss the lesson
Today my friend Teej texted me to turn my radio to 92.3, however I don't have a radio in my office, so eventually I found it online (thank you Al Gore... j/k) and was able to listen to Part Two of a sermon series by Dr. Charles Stanley (on of my grandma's favorites). This particular sermon was titled "The Power of Persistence". This sermon comes at a great time because Tj and I were just talking about our goals and what our dreams are for our lives. It's so interesting how our current situation affects so many different parts of our life when it really shouldn't. Here are some of his closing thoughts from the sermon on reaching and setting Godly goals in our lives:
1. Set a goal high enough so that it demands your best.
2. Develop a burning desire to make it a reality.
-- ask God to reignite your heart
3. Keep your eye on the goal
-- it must be worthy of your energy, don't let other things get you side tracked
-- refuse negative criticism and negative attitudes (but that doesn't mean refuse criticism)
4. Surround yourself with people who encourage you
5. In every defeat or mistake, look for the personal lesson, if you blame someone else you are going to miss the lesson.
6. Rely on God to strengthen you, enable you, give you wisdom
Lastly: Why shouldn't we give up? Because God doesn't give up (he never has and never will give up on us).
Wow, what an encouragement to set out to achieve your goals to further the Kingdom of God!! Praise be to the One who will never give up on us no matter how many times we fail.
Rekindle your Goals!!
Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"
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Wow! That is awesome!! Not much to say, except thank you God for caring so much!!
Cool thoughts Laurey. It raises a crucial question for me, though. How do we know when the goals we set are the kind of goals we should set? I'd love to tease out what the whole goal-setting process looks like (or should look like). Is individual or should it be communally shaped? Are these goals fixed or can they shift?
Good stuff. Makes me think about things.
By the way, I'm still not in your blog roll. Sweet (he says with much sarcasm).
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