A weekend away

This past weekend I was in MN visiting friends and family, courtesy of my uncle! It was a blast catching up with friends :) I probably miss them too much... and I can't wait to see them again. I love visiting friends when you can just pick up where you left off, no matter how long it has been since you've seen them. Plus, many of my friends want to come visit! Now I can show them that Kansas isn't as lame as they might think! Here are some pics of my weekend!


greg said...

it looks like you have a great group of friends back home! when i lived in chicago and would come back to KC and visit it was also so cool to hang out with friends and have things pick up just where we left them.

i think its my goal in life to make everyone love kansas city as much as i do so when your friends come to town let me know and we'll show them a good time haha.

Vasilios Tryphonas II said...

I agree with greg. Kansas City is great! We have as much to offer as the next city! Your friends look really fun except that one...

laurey said...

Thanks Greg! I'll let you know when they are here! As for you Tj, she doesn't like you either... :)

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