Its been a while... Emily will be proud :)
Wow, its been a while since I last posted... almost a year! So to kick things off, I thought I would write about a few updates in my life.
1. My car of 9 years started to have more problems than I was willing to fix back in May. I did what any logical person would do and SOLD IT. Now I am car-free... unfortunately that means I'm back in "junior high", hitching rides from friends and borrowing rides from benevolent friends. I check craigslist every day for some killer deal that still evades me. However, I am looking for 2006 Honda Accords, so if you hear of any, let me know :)
2. I'm feeling a bit creative this summer. I happened upon this great new website that my friend Emily has on her blog roll. Its called Design* Sponge. There are a ton of great ideas on it, some easy to do and some that might be a little bit more difficult (mostly expensive), but nonetheless, really cool! If I owned a home to decorate I might try my hands at this project. I actually still might, since it looks like so much fun!
3. Also on this website, I found this really cool site called the Sketchbook Project. The premise of this, is that you purchase a mole skin for $25, choose a theme to sketch about, you're given a bar code that is associated with your name and theme and then you have a couple months to do almost whatever you want to the sketch book but change the dimensions of it. How cool! There are some really great examples on the site too. Then when you turn it in, they take your book on a tour of the country and people can come and browse the books, they can even check them out to look at. Each time someone checks out your book, you'll be notified. They are even up for purchase if you so choose. I'm thinking about trying it. I'm no real artist, but whatever I create might resonate with someone out there somewhere.
That's what I've got for now! Hopefully I'll be back sooner than my previous post!
My Blog List
Ethan Timothy Ciccone10 years ago
11 months10 years ago
One of the Best and Toughest Analogies.12 years ago
Bike Ride14 years ago
Back in School15 years ago
Holy cow, an update!
I know... sad.
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