A Strange Peace

I'm reading a book by one of my favorite authors, Elizabeth Elliot (notice quote on top of blog). Not only has she lived an amazing and adventurous life, but it has been one devoted to the Lord and to bringing others along side her in her journey. The book I am currently reading is called, "The Path of Loneliness: Finding your way through the wilderness to God". The title doesn't really reach out and grab you, and actually when I first decided to purchase the book it was through the referral of a friend. The summary of the book reads like this: Let E.E. enable you to see lonesomeness as a field with a treasure in it, leading you to hidden, divine blessings. And that is exactly what it does. There is a chapter in the book called "A Strange Peace". Below are a few excerpts:

The way I respond to the "givens" in my daily experience determines my growth in holiness. When we pray, "Give us this our daily bread," God answers that prayer, measuring out just what we need for spiritual as well as physical growth. He knows that spiritual stamina cannot develop without conflict. We must take with both hands the thing given, submissively, humbly, sometimes courageously, or even as one friend put it, "defiantly" -- saying to ourselves, this is part of the story, the story of the love of God for me and my love for Him.

This is acceptance in the truest sense. This is where real peace is found -- that strange, inexplicable peace Jesus promised.

Rumer Godden, in her novel "In This House of Brede," describes the meaning of the monastery's logo:
The moto was Pax, but the word was set in a circle of thorns. Peace: but what a strange peace, made of unremitting toil and effort, seldom with a seen result; subject to constant interruptions, unexpected demands, short sleep at night, little comfort, sometimes scant food; beset with disapointment, and usually misunderstood; yet peace all the same, undeviating, filled with joy and gratitude and love. "It is my own peace I give unto you," not notice, the world's peace.

The only crown Jesus ever wore on earth was a crown of thorns.

Later on in the chapter she tells this story about her grandson:

One evening when my grandson Jim Elliot Shepard was almost three, he found that his parents were going out and he was to be left with Granny. He began to cry, and when the door closed he threw himself on the floor in the hallway, kicking, screaming, beating his head on the carpet. I picked him up in my arms, which required no small effort as he stiffened and howled.
"Jim, would you like me to read you a story?"
Vigorous head shaking and howling.
"Let's go and rock in the big chair."
More howling.
"Jim, sweetheart -- shall I get you some apple juice?"
The very personification of desolation and misery, he only roared and bellowed -- "No! No! No! I want Mama!"
I tried everything and then, in my desperation, remembered to pray. Why hadn't I thought of that first? I asked the Lord to show me how to comfort him.
"Shall we go outside, Jim?"
Instantly he relaxed in my arms, turned his tear-stained face up to mine, and, choking with sobs, nodded Yes.
Still holding him in my arms, I opened the door to the carport. The heavy sweetness of jasmine filled the warm Mississippi night. He took a deep breath, as though inhaling the very peace of God. In a tiny whisper he said, "Granny -- maybe we'll see some stars."
I carried him into the backyard where we could look up through the trees. He was quiet for a long time, nestling into my shoulder, gazing silently at the spangled sky. Then -- "Granny, those are crickets I hear. Do you hear them, Granny?"

The quest for satisfaction apart from the love of God is as futile as poor little Jim's refusal of the only comfort that was available to him that evening. He wanted Mama, and Mama was not there. Once he accepted what was offered, he came out of the howling wilderness of his misery and found peace.

The Path of Loneliness, Elizabeth Elliot pages 135-140

I could quite possibly put her entire book on my blog it is so good. However these two parts of this particular chapter have been encouraging me and challenging me lately and wanted to post them on my blog to encourage others.


greg said...

Good stuff. I love the new layout!

laurey said...

Thanks Greg!!

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